New year!

Looking back at my first full term as a professional librarian, I can confidently say that I have achieved quite a lot! I’m really enjoying my current role and have really felt challenged and inspired. My personal highlights have been: the Celebrating Success award from the Head of one of my departments, and becoming used to delivering teaching sessions. Also, it’s always so nice to receive positive feedback and thanks from library users I have helped, that’s what drew me to librarianship in the first place!

YiWen's MA Librarianship certificate

My MA certificate!

My MA certificate just arrived in the post a few days ago! I have seen other librarians debate the value of a postgraduate qualification in librarianship and I have to say that I think my degree has been really useful in helping to prepare me for the responsibilities of my current role. When filling out the PKSB for Chartership, I was also struck by how many aspects were covered during the Librarianship course. I would highly recommend the MA at Sheffield – I had a great experience there.

I’m meeting my Chartership mentor this week for the first time. One of my big resolutions for this year is to get the chartership portfolio submitted by December! I know this is quite a tough ask but I think I can do it. I’d rather get it done sooner rather than later and am strongly motivated by deadlines, which helps.

Other exciting activities in the next few months include an observed teaching session for the Academic Practice Programme at work, which is nervewracking, and continuing my work with trying to engage with students at the MLES department. My resolutions are to pass the EDMAP1 module for this APP programme with distinction, and also to increase the number of enquiries I receive from MLES students.

In non-library related news, I’ve also resolved to run a half-marathon in under two hours, and practice cello once a week. I’ve signed up for the Reading Half Marathon, which is in 8 weeks, so training has really been ramped up for that recently!

It’s going to be a busy and exciting year.